Thanks for stopping by today! I'm offering you a set of my Accelerated Reader Student Goal Trackers for six and nine week terms. These accompany my AR Mini Clip-Chart and Goal Packs on sale in my TpT store. They are a great way to motivate students and hold them accountable for their AR reading goals each grading term. I also custom-make AR Mini Clip-Charts to fit your classroom theme and needs! Just message me or leave a comment if you're interested.

These are student-friendly sheets and take just seconds to complete. They fit easily into student AR folders or binders. Have students color the stars to set their goals. After the term ends, students can go back and put the actual number of books they read on their goal sheet, too! What a great way to motivate them to keep reaching for the stars and read, read, read!

Here is the link to get your copy from my Google Docs. Unfortunately Blogger was not allowing me to link any of the photos above today!
I hope you enjoy using these AR Goal Trackers with your students this year! Thanks for taking time to download them.
Happy Teaching!

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