
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gettin' Our Gobble On!

Well today was our last day of school before our Thanksgiving break.  My students and I were up to our elbows in paint as we painted turkey handprints.  We also made mini-books about The First Thanksgiving, cut, glued, colored....well, you get the picture!  We did as much fun turkey stuff as we could fit into one school day.
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One of my favorite activities to do with my firsties is the "How To Cook a Turkey" writing.  It's always hilarious to read what they write.  This year's entries are no different.  I thought I'd share a few with you.  I especially like what they plan on serving with their overcooked, undercooked, and not-cooked-at-all-turkeys!
So if you're looking for a new recipe or want to "spice" up your holiday cooking, then take a look at these gems!

And I leave you with one last thought....

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Have a fun and restful Thanksgiving break!
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